Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Day #84 - Gel Nail

I think I finally found the nail solution I have been looking for. Painting my own nails is a pain, but one I have tried to do so I, A) wouldn't pick at them & B) can enjoy a little colorful bling on an otherwise pitifully dull canvas surrounded by hang nails. The problem is the paint only lasts well for a week at most (if I'm lucky), then it starts to chip..then of course, I start to pick at the paint.

As a solution to this problem, I have had acrylic nails put on and I always love how they look. The problems here are the nails make me clumsy at typing and other daily tasks, like picking up paperclips, and they are thick and unnatural. EVERY time I get acrylic nails, I last thru one or two fills and then I get fed up with it and promise myself I will never do it again...until the next time I cave and do it again.

Last Saturday I decided to try this new paint called shilack (not even sure how to spell it). While at the nail place I started talking to the lady next to me who called it "gel"...oh, this is gel? I have heard of it, but never tried it. Well, so far so good. It is more like a thin acrylic...I am excited to see how long it lasts without chipping. I was told the biggest problem is nail growth. It also seems like a bit of a hassle to get the paint off, but if the color and shape lasts two to three weeks...YIPPEE.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Mere color, unspoiled by meaning, and unallied with definite form, can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways. ” --Oscar Wilde


  1. Hmmm, keep us posted. I am also curious about the removal when the time comes. It is pretty expensive isn't it? $15 per bottle or so?? But I guess when you compare it to getting your nails done, and then filled, it is probably a pretty sweet deal. Good luck!

  2. This stuff requires acetone to remove it. Usually not a problem unless you work at a posh ALL NATURAL spa who's polish remover is acetone free!!
    I once had the privilege of filing all of someone's schlack off her toes! Yuck, ouch, time waster!
    I had Nicole put it on me once, after one intense day of yard work it was peeling off in sheets! Bazarr since I've basically never heard of anyone having a bad experience with it!? Go figure, can't wait to hear what you think.

  3. One of my nails has chipped a bit, but still holding on. My nails have grown out quite a bit in 1.5 weeks, but since the paint isn't chipping off it still looks ok. I can probably last one more week, but I might get them redone this weekend so I can pick a more interesting color. So far so good. HB
