Sunday, June 16, 2013

My Darling Dad

How is it I didn't manage to take ONE photo of my Father today? Very disappointing. Travis and I joined the siblings that could be there to have dinner with the parents today. Mom made Dad's favorite - hamburger patties cooked in a mushroom gravy served over potatoes. Everything was delicious, including Mel's amazing roles.

After dinner Dad took the grand kids and Amy and I on a trip around the yard, which I thoroughly enjoyed, other than I felt like I was roasting and my newly washed hair was sopping wet with my own dirty sweat by the time we were finished. My Dad is just so enterprising. He was teaching us about the Law of the Harvest - plant a seed, nourish it and it will grow. This principle or law can be related to many things, but my Dad seemed super pleased with the abundance of the harvest that is possible from only one small seed. I am pleased for both my parents, they seem to really be living in that house lately - making it their own over the time they have been there.

Yesterday, Travis and I were home relaxing when we noticed there was some water leaking out from the dishwasher. Travis pulled it out a bit and water just started to spurt everywhere. I was freaking out yelling "more towels, get more towels". Travis tried to turn the water off under the sink, I ran across the street to the neighbor's house, he wasn't home. I ran back to the dishwasher and it was just pouring out water everywhere. My mind was a blank, I didn't know what to do, I could only think how much damage was  being done to our home with every minute that clicked by...

I called my Dad. Even though I KNEW he was no where nearby that he could help me, I just HAD to call him to find out what I needed to do. Mom answered, "Mom, I need Dad" she proceeded to tell me he was across the street helping the neighbors move into their home and said she would run over to get him. ACK - I remembered in that moment that Mom has Vertigo and was just praying she wouldn't fall over in her hustle to help me. Dad got on the line and by then I was pretty hysterical - not kidding, sobbing with big gulping pants, unable to take a deep breath - that is how dramatic it was. Dad was saying, "shut off the main water line" just as Travis had done it already.

This lovely experience just made me realize how much I still need my parents in my life. I love them both so much. I don't have any new photos to post, but here are a few I like:

Dad can be serious, but he has an amazing sense of humor as well. I LOVE YOU DAD! Thanks for everything!

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: : "When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years" -- Mark Twain 


  1. Oh man.....that sounds b.a.d. how did the dish washer sitch work out? Did it just spring a random leak? Hate it when that (stuff) happens. Dad is great. Both he and mom have been a pretty great example of appreciating the Harvest. Utilizing and storing up all that good stuff that comes from seeds. I'm glad you got to spend some time with dad on Father's Day. I really NEED to get moms recipe for those meat patties and gravy. I remember really liking that meal, I have never made it.
    I am excited to pick dad's brain about gardening techniques while we are visiting!!

  2. It's good to catch the rest of that story (since dad was making sure we were also listening while touring the home and yard with him!). Great post, we are so blessed to have our parents just a phone call away! Yesterday I called mom for a favor - call Keri , and ask her to call me!??! (Since I don't have long distance and have melted my Trac phone:( ((i'm seriously taking care of that TODAY!))
    Dads the best!
    I love our family. xoxo a

  3. Can you tell I was falling asleep at the end of writing this post? It sort of ended abruptly - I kid you not it probably took me 20 minutes to finish that last sentence...I would nod off and open my eyes to something that looked like this..."Dad can be serious, but anddkh he then dish hoieih"

    It was irritating to be so tired so early in the night, but funny that I kept typing as I fell asleep.

    Anyway, I think we caught most of the water before it could do too much damage, but I am not sure some of the hardwood did not get warped from the water getting to the floorboards under the cabinets. I am giving it a few days before we decide if we need to call the insurance company. We were able to get the dishwasher fixed on Saturday - the problem was a leak in the hose from the sink to the dishwasher at the connection point.

    I asked Mom why bad things always happen on the weekends - she said it was a blessing because we were both home and saved a lot of damage by being there right when it happened..."Hey Mom, nice job with the silver lining - I am impressed".
