Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Self Discipline

Every day my boss makes a 3 minute message that he has sent out to the whole company. I have been moving them into the file I created just for him and was saving them up for when I have "more time". Duh. I think I have over 2 hours worth saved up for "later".

At last weeks staff meeting one of my co-workers asked all of us if we took the time to listen to the daily message...I sheepishly tried to pretend I didn't understand the question or look super appalled that Andrew wasn't listening to the daily messages. My co-worker then said just those few minutes each day makes a huge difference in how she approaches work...I decided to give it a go.

The good thing about the daily messages is they often will repeat in short snippets things George has talked about in past meetings, but they only focus on one particular point at a time AND they are ONLY 3 minutes long. Today's message focused around self-discipline. George said, "I KNOW that everything I have AND everything I don't have in my life is directly related to the amount of discipline I employ in my daily decisions."

Maybe it is obvious, but it is SO true. All those tiny and seemingly unimportant decisions we make on a daily basis add up to everything we are and all that we have in our lives. I can think of more "bad" decisions I have made over the years that add up to bigger "bad" decisions. One lately is my horrible habit of swearing. I know I seem so innocent in my writing (wink), but I have developed a bad habit of swearing when I am under strain, which unfortunately has been more often than not lately.  It used to be just for effect or to make someone laugh or at least to make a strong point, but when you swear too often, it just becomes foul and not an effective use of language.

I finally had to admit I have a problem when I almost got in an accident on the road and yelled out a blasphemy, one I have ALWAYS hated when people use it, and then tried to rationalize with myself that I was really just praying - sounds like full scale denial to me.

I think I am moving away from the point of this post, but maybe not. I can sit here and talk about gaining weight, eating right and exercise, making more or less money, but the same principle exists here with the swearing...because now I need to exercises EXTRA self-discipline over a problem I shouldn't really even have if only I had exercised  a modicum of self-awareness before I had a new bad habit to break.

I also write of this personal challenge so I will be more likely to hold myself accountable, wish me luck.

At the end of the day today my next door office mate came in to chat with me and he dragged Andrew in with him. I asked Kurt if he knew that "all he is and all he isn't is directly related to the amount of discipline he employs in his life?" Andrew nodded sagely and said he was glad I was paying attention while at staff meeting - looks like we are both becoming more accountable.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote:"Success is simply a matter of luck. Ask any failure." Earl Wilson


  1. Great post HB. All very true. We make so much more work for ourselves don't we??! Maintain control over ourselves....sounds fairly easy....but shoot, that natural man it a powerful, tricky, sneaky, careless, gluttonous bugger at times. Sure feels good to take charge when we do though doesn't it? I love that we get another shot at the title every new day. Thank goodness!!!
    I love your bosses and work!!

    PS - I hope it is ok that I shared your message with our fb Healthy Happy Living group....I think it is great info : )

  2. I love you girl! You're posts hit the spot.
    I'm not the cursing type you know but I'll tell you what, last night I had a coworker do some serious work on my right leg (I have plantar faceitice (sp?) that's inflamed from running!! :( ) and I could have shared a few pointedly clear thoughts with her that are not my usual brand!!! I kept saying things like holy smokes Brittany that is so painful. And she would respond that it shouldn't hurt but should just feel really intense. Really?? Well it's intense lady!! Whew- so much better now though. It was one of those things the pain just standing around was worth the COST of the INTENSEness required to repatern the problem.
    Just like you were saying with the fear of failing to achieve your dream. You have to weigh the desire to achieve against the cost of achieving!!!

  3. Aim, great follow up post. I am sorry to hear about your plantar facetious.....such a bummer. Glad you have connections that can "help" you through it. Sounds hideously painful. Love you TWO ladies!!!
