Sunday, May 12, 2013


Happy Mother's Day to all you lovely mothers out there!! Especially to my own dear Mama!!

What is it about Moms that is so special? Why is it that Moms can make us feel like the best person on the planet? There is just some special finite spark they have that connects us to them in a way that we are not connected to anyone else in the world. I often wonder how I lucked out to have the Mother that I do...she thinks she is lacking, but I know better. It is interesting how she remembers things so differently than I do.

When I called to wish Mom a Happy Mother's Day today, she told me how she remembered saying the best Mother's day gift we could get her, when she was watching about a zillion kids during the week when we were in grade school to earn extra money for the family, was alone time and how now she thinks that was such a mean thing for her to say and want. I don't remember that as a bad thing, I remember thinking how excited she would be when we brought her home our handmade gifts at the end of the day. It is funny how we all remember things in a different way.

I sometimes wonder what kind of Mom I would be if I had been lucky enough to have kids of my own. I think I would be a lot like my own Mom...funny, generous, strict while at the same time an easy pushover, concerned w/poor baby tendencies, comfortable, loving, a little irrational w/an absolute gritted jaw reaction when upset, never violent (except maybe in a rare and funny way) with arms always open for a good, long hug and an easy "I love you" on the tip of my tongue. I think I would have been a great Mom because I had a great example of what a Mom should be.

I have also been thinking about my husband and his experience of Mothers. His birth mother loved him so much she let him go to another family. His adoptive Mom passed away when Trav was very young and his Step-Mom, which is weird to call her that since she has been his Mom since he was about 10, has raised him as her own - Trav has had 3 Mom's in his 40 years and each one has impacted his life in major and different ways. Do these Mother's even realize how big a deal they are? I hope so.

At the end of my call to Mom, she ended by telling me, in a heartfelt and meaningful way, how proud she is of me and how glad she is that I am part of her life..."whoa, wait a minute, these are my lines on this day of all days to tell you" - I don't know how I can ever make her understand how much she means to me. All I can do right now is say, "I love you...Thank you for being my Mom".

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quotes: "“If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands?” -- Milton Berle

1 comment:

  1. Great post HB. I thought I commented before...but no I did not. YOU would be a fantastic mother! And You are going to get a taste of motherhood in a few short months with your exchange student.

    Mom is pretty special. We definitely did something right to land the mom we did : )
