Monday, March 18, 2013

Emergency Preparedness

No, I am not speaking of the end of the world kind of preparedness, although I believe being prepared for any kind of emergency is also important, I am talking of emergency LUNCH preparedness.

Both Travis and my sisters have been inspiring me to really work on my goals of losing weight and really getting healthy in my middle age years. I'll be 39 on Saturday and I am getting irritated with myself for letting another year slip by without giving max effort to achieve at least SOME of my health goals.

Travis is super active and rides his bike at the gym when he cannot ride outside on an actual bike. Do you know how monotonous it is to ride a spin bike for 2 hours? But he does it anyway. He is super committed to being in bike shape this Spring and, although we could both eat better, his cardio stamina is in super great he looks hot.

My sisters, Amy and Keri, are into this Cross Fit is super high intensity weight lifting and exercising. They both seem a bit obsessed by the whole thing, but why is that? They feel super good after they go, lots of energy and stamina; they are eating better and the trainers and classes keep them motivated to stay on their eating plans; they are seeing results...they are getting strong...I am determined to let them know when they start getting man necks, but right now they both look great and I can tell they each are experiencing more confidence and willpower.

Melissa just wrote a whole post on taking charge of our decisions and I have admired her for a long time since she has started being committed, not only to being thin, but to being healthy. She is now an instructor at her gym, runs a lot and has never seemed more healthy to me. It is nice to know she also still struggles with the munchies and habits of a lifetime that need to be overcome, even as she has created new, better habits that have made her healthy and strong.

There is a lot of talk at the office around weight loss and goals around health. Several people have done a juicing diet and I know that is not the direction I want to go. One guy said he lost 50 lbs in 1 year by making one change every few weeks until he felt he could maintain it over time. I have decided this is a better more permanent way to proceed with my goals. This first week:

  • Drink more water...specifically two or three 24 oz bottles at work. 
  • Prepare emergency lunches to have at the office...and eat lunch and have a formal eating plan each day 
  • Elliptical 5 times per week. First 2 weeks 15 minutes per day...increase as able

Emergency preparedness comes in when back up plans are set in motion alongside the best intentions...I have 3 water bottles - one in the kitchen that I bring around with me on the main living level of the house, one upstairs next to the bed that I refill at night when I go up to change my clothes for the night and one at work that I keep there so I don't forget to bring it back and forth from the car, to the house, etc. I had my apple, pickle, string cheese and tomatoes in a bag ready to go to the office with me and I left it on the kitchen counter...I was happy I had some single serving soups at the office to heat up...ez solution.

I have my alarm set for 5:30 a.m. tomorrow...I guess the trick here is to go to bed earlier than normal and jump up when the alarm clock rings in the morning. 30 minutes of extra sleep does not REALLY make that much of a difference...but exercising first thing in the morning, will make me feel great. 

I am committed to getting it done! 

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "The habit must be greater than the results." Joe Reardon (not sure if he was quoting someone else when he said it)

1 comment:

  1. I love it!! That is a perfect plan. It is perfect, because it is doable. I am really enjoying and learning from this new book I stumbled upon, it is called The Women's Health Diet.....only it really is not a diet at all. It talks all about the best time to eat the most, (morning....duh), the most nutritious foods, it encourages you to eat a ton, and never to feel hungry. The push is just to steer away from empty calories and go heavy on protein and all the other amazing healthy food out there. They do not cut out any food group. That is my one complaint w/ Paleo.....I don't agree with cutting out dairy OR grains. No can do......and I really think every food group is important.
    Soooooooooooooo.....if you are out and about, and you see this book at T-JMax for $3.99, it is worth a read.

    HOw was your Birthday??? I just spoke with mom. I know you hung w/ I am sure it was a lot of fun. I know you had your "shokra" read or how ever you say it. HOw was that? Would you do it again, or naw.....was it not that amazing or helpful?

    What'd ya get? Sounds like you picked up a little motivation!!! That is a sweet gift to give yourself.

    GO FOR IT!!! Keep us posted.
